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Enhancing Online Safety:

SERI Calls for Cyberbullying Law Reforms in Malaysia

Many believe that the fines do not reflect the gravity of the harm caused by such behavior. Social and Economic Research Initiative (SERI) strongly urges for legal reforms to better protect individuals from online harassment and ensure a safer digital environment. Read more.

Fostering Harmony: SERI's Call to Action Amidst Rising Religious and Racial Tensions

Amidst the backdrop of escalating religious and racial tensions in our nation, Social and Economic Research Initiative (SERI) believes that strengthening unity and harmony is not just necessary, but imperative. Read more.

Ekonomi Madani: Raising the Floor for All Malaysians

28 July 2023  

Social and Economic Research Initiative (SERI) welcomes Prime Minister Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s “Memperkasa Ekonomi Madani” agenda, with its stated goals of raising both the floor as well as the ceiling. As a think tank dedicated to supporting and promoting policy initiatives that bridge the gaps in our society, SERI takes a particular interest in ideas that directly target those most vulnerable in our society. Read more.

The Tobacco and Smoking Control Act Will Help Protect the B40 Group

 14 July 2021  

With the government expected to table the Tobacco and Smoking Control Act in the upcoming session of the Dewan Rakyat, SERI firmly believes that the introduction of this bill will be beneficial to Malaysians, especially those in the B40 category. Read more.

Addressing our Education Crisis: Square Pegs in Round Holes?

Malaysia cannot afford to continue waiting for centralised decision-making on the back of assumptions from a different era. There are differences to the uniformity of issues, preferences, and resources across our 13 states and the federal territories. A lack of agile governance increases the likelihood that 2021 will be memorable for the wrong reasons, as far as primary and secondary education are concerned. Read more.

Towards a Ministry of Gender Equality and Family

The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2020 revealed that gender parity will not be attained for 99.5 years. While women in Malaysia excel in education and healthcare, women continue to lag behind men in economic and political participation. Despite women comprising 7 in 10 of our frontliners, for every RM100 in salaries and wages received by men, women only receive RM94.07. Read more.

Bajau Laut Eviction: 
Tackling Complexity of Statelessness in Sabah 

Media reports indicate that on 4th and 5th June, hundreds of Bajau Laut in Semporna district including Pulau Bohey Dulang, Pulau Maiga, Pulau Bodgaya, Pulau Sebangkat and Pulau Sibuan lost their homes following demolishment by the authorities, citing concerns of security and cross-border crime. Read more.

Malaysian Women in the Workforce

Social and Economic Research Initiative (SERI) is delighted to announce the successful completion of our research forum event supported by Microsoft Malaysia. The forum took place earlier today, in conjunction with celebrations for International Women’s Day. Read more.

Bridging the Gap: A SERI Dinner with Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed and Nurul Izzah Anwar 

15 September 2021  

With the government expected to table the Tobacco and Smoking Control Act in the upcoming session of the Dewan Rakyat, SERI firmly believes that the introduction of this bill will be beneficial to Malaysians, especially those in the B40 category. Read more.

Comprehensive Measures Required to Weather Full Lockdown 

Malaysia will enter a nationwide lockdown on the 1st of June 2021, at a time when daily cases have exceeded 9000 and more than 2500 deaths. A total lockdown is undoubtedly necessary in order to “flatten the curve” and allow the healthcare system to recuperate. As the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) makes clear the list of economic and service sectors deemed “essential” we must be cognisant that this lockdown will not affect everyone equally - some will undoubtedly suffer more than others Read more.

Undersea Cables: 21st Century Highways to a Digital Selat Melaka

On March 29th 2021, Facebook announced plans to lay two new undersea cables connecting Singapore and Indonesia with North America in a partnership with regional telecommunication companies and Google. The two cables, Echo and Bifrost, are in the process of receiving domestic regulatory approval and are scheduled to be completed in 2023 and 2024, respectively. 

Read more.

Ke arah Kementerian Kesaksamaan Jantina dan Keluarga 

Sekalipun wanita di Malaysia cemerlang dalam bidang pendidikan dan kesihatan, namun masih ketinggalan berbanding lelaki dalam penyertaan ekonomi dan politik. 7 daripada 10 barisan hadapan terdiri daripada wanita, namun mereka hanya menerima RM94.07 berbanding RM 100 bagi lelaki.  Baca Lanjutan.

Fuel Subsidy Rationalization in Malaysia: The Need for Effective and Equitable Implementation

On May 21st, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced that Malaysia will begin rationalizing fuel subsidies, starting with the reduction of diesel subsidies, initially in Peninsula Malaysia. Read more.

Belanjawan 2024: Addressing Inequality and Sustainability Through Complementary Policies

13 Oct 2023  

SERI commends Budget 2024’s recognition of the financial struggles of young people. The expansion of Dasar Peluang Kedua for those under 40 with debts below RM200,000 and the increase in Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) from RM350 to RM500 demonstrates the government's commitment to easing their financial burden and enhancing their quality of life. Read more.

Digital Policies For The Digital Age: Proposed Licensing Of Data Centres

While the bold aspirations laid out in the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint (MyDIGITAL) certainly promise to propel Malaysia forward, there have been some recent policy decisions resulting in great concern across the technology industry. One such decision is the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)’s intent to subject data centres and cloud service providers to the licensing obligations of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA 1998). Read more.

Regulatory Transformation for Digital Transformation:Responsible and Secure Government Access to Data

SERI supports the recent Joint Statement of the OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy calling for policy guidance on trusted government access to personal data held by the private sector. With the increasing importance of data for digital transformation and data-driven policymaking, access to and sharing of data has become critical, particularly towards the enhancement of public service delivery and identification of emerging governmental and societal needs. Read more.

Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint: Towards A Resilient and Inclusive Digital Economy for All

Data provides the necessary fuel for emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing. “We welcome the Government’s bold and progressive vision as set out in the Malaysia Digital Economic Blueprint”, shared Dr Jasmine Begum, Director of Legal & Government Affairs, ASEAN and SEA New Markets, Microsoft.  Read more.

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